Sensory Impairment Team offer support by video

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Bristol City Council’s Sensory Impairment Team provides support with:
• Translating letters from English to BSL
• Phoning and booking appointments
• Advice with paying bills or finding out more information from service providers
• Contacting any services you need to access

Due to Coronavirus, drop in sessions will no longer be available at the usual locations such as Bedminster library and Bristol Community Links South.

Instead the team will provide live video support sessions during the following times:
Monday 10am to 12pm
Wednesday 10am to 12pm
Friday 1.30pm to 3.30pm

They will use Zoom video to allow two or three-way conversations. You will need a laptop with a webcam, tablet or smart-mobile with access to the internet. You will then need to accept the Zoom invitation to an online meeting. Zoom is a confidential and secure video call system.

To book an online appointment, please email and the team will arrange a suitable time for the online meeting to take place.

If you are unable to use email, you can text Trish on 07795 445836 or Iain on 07741 815708 to arrange for a video support session via Zoom.

Please click on this link to see this information in a BSL video.

If you need to contact the health services, NHS 111 have a BSL video relay service.

If you would like to know more about Coronavirus in BSL, please look at the Signhealth website.

If you still don’t understand Coronavirus and need further explanation in BSL, please contact us and we can arrange a video support session to help you understand all the current information.