Annual General Meeting 2022

You are warmly invited to the Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People AGM.  This will take place on Wednesday 24th August 2022 at Burges Salmon, One Glass Wharf, Bristol BS2 0ZX. 
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm (Doors open at 6:00pm).


  • ‘CfD and the way forward’ – Justin Smith, Chief Executive Officer
  • ‘Deaf People Together: In charge of our own futures’ – Bristol Impact Fund project – Mark Gill, Community Development Officer

AGM Papers: 


The venue has an induction loop system.  BSL interpreters and live captions will be provided.

Sandwiches, canapes, and refreshments will be provided.

Coming by bus? There are many buses that stop at Temple Meads.  Burges Salmon is a few minutes’ walk away.  The number 8 bus runs regularly from the city centre to Temple Meads.

Coming by car? There are car-parking facilities at Bristol Temple Meads and the nearby Gardiner Haskins Car Park.  There are more car-parks located around the city centre.


Or you can contact CfD directly to register:

Email – of****@cf*.uk

Phone – 0345 900 7830

SMS/Text Message – 07545 264 840

What our clients say about us:

graphic of a speech bubble

Two exceptionally pleasant and helpful people – a pleasure to meet and my new doorbell is a great help. Thank you very much.

Graphic of two hands using sign language

…I was very satisfied with the service. The two staff were professional and easy to communicate with. They were able to explain everything clearly and quickly gave me the replacement equipment.