Bristol Join-Up

What is Bristol Join-Up?

Bristol Join-Up is a group of seven organisations working together to engage people within six different communities. These projects include social activities, volunteering, peer support, befriending and community consultation. We are proud to be funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.

The Care Forum

The Care Forum is the lead partner of Bristol Join-Up. The Care Forum manages resources, facilitates partnership working and promotion, supports volunteer training and reports back to The National Lottery.

As well as being the lead partner for Bristol Join-Up, The Care Forum provides a range of other services including a social prescribing service called Ways to Wellbeing, an information and signposting service called Well Aware and advocacy support. Ways to Wellbeing is a service which helps people in Greater Fishponds to find interesting or helpful activities in their community. This could be anything from support and advice organisations, to social or activity groups. We do this by partnering people with a social prescriber to help them find the right things for them and support them to get involved in the opportunities they would like to try.

Other partners

Centre for Deaf and The Care Forum currently work with the following partners in the Bristol Join-Up scheme.

Bangladeshi Bristol Women’s Group connect Bangladeshi women across the city, providing social activities across generations. An organisation to help better the community, getting better education for our children, give woman a freedom of speech and fighting for our rights.

Bristol Older People’s Forum represents older people across Bristol, ensuring they are at the heart of decision and policy making, as well as tackling all forms of ageism. The Forum recently completed a ‘Life under Lockdown’ survey exploring older people’s experiences, and are looking to form focus groups to discuss the results in more depth.

Bristol Pakistani Welfare Organisation Women’s Club is aimed at women from all backgrounds over the age of 50+. The club aims to benefit wellbeing, enrich life and reduce the risk of loneliness through a variety of activities and groups including board games, physical activity and cooking.

The Bristol and Avon Chinese Women’s Group supports the health and social care needs of Chinese women and their families in Bristol and the surrounding area. The group is looking to engage more Chinese students in our services; this includes volunteering opportunities, access to the helpline, support workshops, and social events.

Local Friends aim to build the capacity of people in the local community to care for one another through volunteers from local churches and other trusted groups, providing human contact, listening and basic practical support. During the pandemic Local Friends have developed the Good Neighbours plan to enable more people to be involved in caring from a distance.

What our clients say about us:

Graphic of two hands using sign language

…I was very satisfied with the service. The two staff were professional and easy to communicate with. They were able to explain everything clearly and quickly gave me the replacement equipment.

graphic of a speech bubble

Two exceptionally pleasant and helpful people – a pleasure to meet and my new doorbell is a great help. Thank you very much.